War for Talents – Comment les entreprises se battent pour attirer les jeunes talents

Que signifie la "guerre des talents" et pourquoi est-il important pour les entreprises de comprendre

Le terme « War for Talent » est né en 1977, mais il est toujours d’actualité. Pour les entreprises, il est de plus en plus difficile d’obtenir et de conserver les bons talents. L’offre de cette main-d’œuvre hautement qualifiée déterminera l’avenir de nombreuses entreprises.

Every company comes up against a rapidly changing market of customers and skills. Customers are becoming increasingly digital, business processes are represented in IT systems, and value creation is increasingly taking place online. These trends also require new talents capable of implementing this digital change. Designers, programmers and new professions such as « growth hackers » are currently very popular with companies. This high demand for highly qualified labor leads to a shortage of talent for the many vacant positions.

More and more often, projects cannot be completed or are interrupted if these talents are lacking or are poached. The result is a war for the best up-and-coming talent, also known as « War for Talents ».

More opportunities for graduates and young talents

As part of a McKinsey study on changes in the field of human resources, Steven Hankins described as early as 1977 the « war for talent ». He found that young, highly educated graduates are finding it less and less difficult to find a job and that companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit for their own vacancies.

Companies need to realize that talent has more leeway in negotiations and is generally in higher demand. In this context, new working models such as working from home, flexible hours or creative and demanding work have become an important factor for these people.

The reasons for the talent war

1. The economy is growing – not just here

The global economy is growing rapidly. Less in the Western world, but very quickly in Eastern countries, South America, China, etc. For example, China will soon overtake the United States as the largest e-commerce market, which requires talent. Many qualified people come to Europe, the United States, etc. but many people from Western markets are also flocking to emerging countries. This strong global demand makes competition for talent increasingly tough.

2. The move towards a knowledge society

According to current opinion, humanity’s knowledge is currently doubling every 12 years. This constant evolution is also reflected in the business world. Robots, Industry 4.0, big data and more have transformed the business world. Highly qualified workers must therefore not only have a lot of knowledge, but also be able to adapt quickly to new developments.

3. Demographic change

A decisive factor in the shortage of skilled labor is also due to falling birth rates. In industrialized countries in particular, birth rates are falling, leading to a shortage of talent in these countries. This is already noticeable in the market, as companies recruit earlier and earlier and train and develop them internally.

4. Change in the values ​​of the next generations

Security, reputation and opulent salaries are no longer so important to younger generations. Young employers expect flexible working hours, greater personal freedom to thrive, and innovative work environments. No wonder companies like Facebook, Google, etc. attract many young talents with their new work models and are considered the most popular employers.

5. Evolution towards highly skilled jobs

Society is changing strongly in the distribution of jobs according to their qualification. Low-skilled workers are increasingly at risk from automation and IT, while the demand for high-skilled workers is growing more than ever. Jobs that did not exist a few years ago, such as data analysts, SEO or digital marketing managers and many others, are increasingly in demand.

6. Increased competition

Globalization also leads to additional competition between companies. The offer is vast and therefore it is important to stand out for the quality. For companies, personnel consultants and recruiters, it is increasingly difficult to attract the right talent and meet the quality requirements of candidates.

Once companies have acquired talent and passed on their knowledge, it is of course important to keep them. Companies should strive to make their employees happy in the long term and retain them as much as possible.

Benjamin Talin, a serial entrepreneur since the age of 13, is the founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital, a global initiative providing access to topics of the future. As an influential keynote speaker, he shares insights on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and has advised governments, EU commissions, and ministries on education, innovation, economic development, and digitalization. With over 400 publications, 200 international keynotes, and numerous awards, Benjamin is dedicated to changing the status quo through technology and innovation. #bethechange Stay tuned for MoreThanDigital Insights - Coming soon!

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