Telegram频道: 最简单、最有效的通讯!



Newsletter marketing has to be simple! – Most companies spend a lot of time, way too much time, on their marketing, looking for the latest trends, best agencies or best tips. All of these things are good and important in the overall concept, but if some of the basic elements are wrong, the whole thing is useless! Marketing has to be for your business, not your marketing! All you really need is simple strategy!

What you really need are simple strategies that fit into your day-to-day life and can be implemented effectively. Today, I want to introduce you to one of them – Telegram! ( Application Link )

A Different Kind of Communication – Telegram Channels

Yes, you heard it right, Telegram is an app that not only provides a technically good messenger service, but also provides very simple communication functions. In 5 minutes, you can open your own Telegram channel and get started. And it’s just as easy to use!

A small text, voice message or video is enough to perform well on Telegram.

The best content for Telegram

User expectations are not as high on Telegram as they are on YouTube, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Here, content is more important than packaging. An optimal broadcast usually consists of a voice message, a headline (headline), a 2-3 sentence description and their channel link (the invite link to their channel). finished. Depending on the subject, this takes about 15 minutes. Have you ever experienced such a simple communication?

Views (clicks on messages you send) are also particularly high here. Good Telegram channels can achieve up to 70% hit rate with 15 minutes of effort! Of course, it’s also important to have some manners here, but on Telegram, you get a lot of points for authenticity

Telegram is still considered an “alternative medium” and a “framework”. When users join their channel, they expect expert-level content, not high-end production, so journalists here are also suitable for spontaneous information.

I often hear, ” Everything is fine Mr. Brinker, I can run everything without breaking a sweat, but how do I get as many users as possible and how profitable is this for me?

efforts to build

One way to save yourself a lot of time and money is to have an audience owner. These are people with similar expertise to yours, but they’ve built a community so can help you with your project.

For example, you are a portfolio advisor and have a tax advisor who has a great newsletter, YouTube or best Telegram channel, then that would be a target group ownership partner. Of course, you have to provide him with added value so that he supports you while posting their content in his community. Here I suggest you interview your target group owner partner and work around it so that he only needs to show up, but you prepare the questions and take care of the editing and post-processing of the video.

Sound like a lot of work? Does that still sound like a lot of work if you get 678 new users in a day or through a single interview? Not to mention the savings it will save you in terms of advertising budget!

Tap into the potential of communication

If you repeat this process over and over again, you can build a 4-5 figure subscriber list in a few months. Then, when you overcome the 1,000+ subscriber threshold, you can slowly start making money for the channel. I recommend 2 ways to do this:

  1. push content on social media
  2. Webinar Announcement

1) Admittedly, this is not a direct monetization, but an indirect one. If you attach your YouTube video, LinkedIn post, or other content to a piece of content for further information, you can massively increase your views, and thus your visibility, for free and with little effort. With the right marketing process, this can also lead to more consultation or newsletter subscribers.

2) The more and better you disclose in your channel, the better your users will ask you how they can benefit from your expertise. And that’s exactly what a webinar does, where you summarize the most important things in your funnel, complement and refine it to arrive at a logical solution, your offer.


This simple process enables you to build a newsletter and community in a short period of time with an advertising budget of 0 euros, push your social media posts in no time and subtly present your offers to the target group you warm up to.

More possibilities on Telegram

If you want to take your Telegram channel to the next level in the future, you can do it with a “Telegram bot”. This is a Telegram service that enables better planning and editing of your posts. From here, you can set posting times, add commenting functionality to your posts, add ratings (similar to Facebook), and even edit longer messages in an engaging way.

Conclusion – Telegram channels as a communication tool

Of course, even a Telegram channel is not the Holy Grail, but it can be an integral part of it. With a little acquisition work for the desired target audience and relevant expert content, you can easily expand your business and advertising presence.

Of course, there are many more such strategies, and these are exactly the steps I suggest you take. Impact doesn’t have to be achieved with a massive advertising budget, it can be made in a very simple way with the right planning.

Ich helfe Experten dabei sich mit zeitsparenden und effektiven Methoden ihre Sichtbarkeit auf Social-Media aufzubauen und zu skalieren. Du investierst immer wieder hohe Beträge in Werbeanzeigen oder verbringst stundenlang Dein Posting zu schreiben? Das muss nicht sein! Mach Dein Marketing Smart und nicht Hart.

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