Digital Economy incl. Definition, Impact and Future Explained

Unraveling the digital economy and understanding why this transformation is so revolutionary

Understand the transformative power of the digital economy, its impact on businesses, society, and the future technologies that are reshaping our world.

In less than 100 years, our world has changed completely. Through computer technologies and the Internet, the world has become interconnected and the concept of the “digital economy” has become a key driver of economic growth and social change. Essentially, the digital economy refers to the economic activities that result from the billions of daily online connections or transactions and data transfers between people, businesses, devices, data and processes. And the Digital Economy is already huge, it is growing rapidly, and it is inextricably linked to the future of humanity.

An understanding of the digital economy for all important, because it has different dynamics, has other limitations and many new aspects of how an economy works. Whether individuals, companies, and governments, everyone should understand these mechanisms and implications.

In this article, we will explain the concept of digital economy and shed light on its impact on businesses and society. So let’s become a look into the “parallel economy” and also dare a look into the future.

What is the Digital Economy?

The digital economy encompasses all economic activities that rely on or are enabled by digital technologies. It includes not only sectors traditionally considered “tech,” “Internet,” or “software,” such as software development or data centers, but also the myriad ways digital tools are used in other industries – from online banking to electricity and from digital marketing to logistics automation.

The digital economy is also revolutionizing traditional business models and changing consumer behavior. With the rise of e-commerce, the convenience of online shopping has redefined retail, impacting supply chains, and social media has also changed marketing strategies and our consumer behavior. Remote work, enabled by digital tools, is changing the nature of work itself and, in turn, global value chains.

However, it is important to note that the digital economy is not the same as the Internet economy. The latter refers specifically to economic activities conducted over the Internet. In contrast, the digital economy encompasses not only the Internet economy, but also a broader range of activities that are enabled or transformed by digital technologies (digital transformation) – even if the final transaction does not take place online.

Some of the foundational technologies that have enabled the digital economy include:

  • The Internet: The global network that is the Internet is the foundation of the digital economy, enabling the instant transmission of data around the world and is by far the most disuptive set of technologies till today. It is worth to note that this is a combination of thousands of technologies that enable the connections, routing and data-transportation between all devices.
  • Mobile devices: With the rise of martphones and personal computers as gateway to the digital economy many more users got access to digital services anytime, anywhere and also enabled new digital business models.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices, from smart home appliances to industrial sensors, collect and transmit data, enabling smarter, automated digital services.
  • Cloud computing: Cloud platforms provide scalable, on-demand access to computing resources, enabling companies to offer complex digital services without investing in extensive infrastructure.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI uses advanced algorithms and massive amounts of data to simulate human intelligence, enabling everything from personalized recommendations to autonomous vehicles. We are currently seeing a lot of hype around generative AI, which will fundamentally change the economy around art, content and design.
  • Big Data and Analytics: The collection, storage, analysis and use of big data enables companies to gain insights, use data for data-driven decision-making and offer new digital services.

Impact of the digital economy on business and society

When we look at the pure numbers and impact, then we can say that the digital economy is downright revolutionary and has triggered widespread changes in both the business world and society at large.

A good example is the emergence of e-commerce alone. It is estimated that global e-commerce sales will exceed $6.3 trillion in 2023 alone (Source). And this number is far from reaching the tipping point as not even every 4th person on the world is using ecommerce or having access to ecommerce (Source).

A way more interesting view besides ecommerce is when we look at the emergence of digital business models that are disrupting and sometimes even displacing traditional business models. Everyone loves the example of Uber, which has turned the cab industry on its head without owning a single vehicle, or Netflix, which has revolutionized the entertainment industry with its streaming services and pretty much eliminated the giant “Blockbuster” with all it’s stores. Besides naming these standard use-cases of digital disruptions one thing is for sure – These companies excel at using digital technologies to deliver superior value to their customers and achieve unprecedented scale due to the exponential scalability of the digital platforms and digital ecosystems they built.

As mentioned before, we, the consumer, also changed a lot. The customer experience has also evolved with the advent of omnichannel experiences. We now speak of an “attention economy” where advertisers, companies and apps pool for the consumers time on the screen (as this is a limited resource). So more and more business models evolve around combinng online and offline interactions. Today, a customer can discover a product on a brand’s social media page, purchase it on the e-commerce site, and then pick it up in a brick-and-mortar store, connect it with their apps, share experineces with their friend – all without missing a moment.

And with all this attention grabbing techniques, companies are forced in using digital technologies. Either to drive operational efficiencies, offer better services, deliver more “attention catching” products or just improve customer service. But also we are forced to adapt to this. Our dating life is controlled by algorithms and due to the better choices we don’t want personal connections anymore or we choose our romantic partner like a product on amazon.

However, the transition to the digital economy has not been smooth for everyone. Certain traditional industries have experienced significant disruption because they have not adapted and the pace of technology was sometimes just too fast to react in time. We know how it ended long long time ago for Kodak – now imagine how fast it becomes a problem for a company when something like Threads from Meta or ChatGPT from OpenAI becomes over 100 million users in just some days or weeks.

No matter how we want to look at the impact of technology on business, society and ourselves: in the digital economy, adaptability and innovation are critical to survival and success.

Key features of the digital economy

So what is actually then the difference between the traditional economy and the digital economy? Here einge of the key features and differentiations:

  • Mobility of information and business functions: The digital economy is not bound by physical borders. Information, services, and business transactions can be shared instantly across borders. This mobility opens up global opportunities and enables companies to operate and compete on an international scale.
  • Global data flows: Global data flows, i.e., the transmission of information via the Internet, form the basis for this digital commerce. This means that non-physical goods such as digital services, e.g. cloud storage or video streaming, can also be offered globally.
  • Real-Time and On-Demand Services: The digital economy thrives on the “right now” mentality. Consumers expect answers in real time and services that are available on demand and can be used when we want them. So we can order groceries that will be on our doorstep in no time at all, or stream movies that we feel like watching right this minute. No opening hours and no physical limitations.
  • Reliance on data analytics and algorithms: Data is the lifeblood of the digital economy. The ability to collect vast amounts of data, analyze it, and use it for optimization enables companies to gain insights, improve decision-making, or enable personalization, for example. It is worth mentioning that algorithms form the basis for gaining real insights from data.
  • Network effects and platform-based business models: Digital platforms are a phenomenon of the digital economy. They are based on an effect that is only possible to this extent digitally: the network effect. The network effect describes that the value of a service increases when more people use it. Social media platforms, ride-sharing and e-commerce marketplaces are examples of this model, because the more users there are, the more providers there are, and this in turn leads to better offerings and more users.
  • Gig economy and remote work: The digital economy has also enabled new forms of work. One phenomenon of the digital economy is so-called “gig work” – freelance, often temporary jobs – are increasingly common thanks to digital platforms that match workers with employers. So not only are physical and digital goods offered or information sold, but labor can be offered without borders, changing pricing as well. Gig work has also led to wages for programming and software engineering being able to adjust globally.
  • Personalization: Thanks to data analytics, the digital economy enables a high degree of personalization, personalization that would not be possible in the traditional economy in this way or at unrealistic costs. Services can be tailored to individual preferences, from personalized product recommendations on Amazon to individualized learning paths on digital education platforms.

Necessary skills for the digital economy

The digital economy is changing a lot and as we learned before it already changed a lot of our economy and society. So it shouldn’t come as a suprise if I say that this will also require a fundamental shift in the skills and attitudes needed to succeed in a world where technologies play a dominant roles in our lifes, in business and socity. Here are some key challenges to focus on:

  • Agility and continuous innovation: In the fast-paced digital economy, the ability to adapt and innovate quickly is paramount. Companies, individuals, and even nations need to foster a culture of learning and experimentation, where new ideas are encouraged and failures are seen as opportunities to learn and improve. In this regard, the Silicon Valley “Fail Fast” is a concept with which many should engage.
  • Data-driven decision making: Given the critical role of data in the digital economy, the ability to understand and use data for decision making is a must. This includes not only technical skills such as data analysis, but also the ability to ask the right questions and make strategic decisions based on data insights – so it’s no surprise that insights-driven organizations are already much more successful than their peers.
  • Customer centricity: the digital economy offers new opportunities to understand and interact with customers. Businesses and states need to take a customer-centric approach and use digital tools to provide personalized experiences and engage with customers in meaningful ways. It is also important to understand here that it is already required by customers/users.
  • Digital Literacy and Skill Development: Everyone talks about “Digital Literacy” – Simply put, it is simply the ability to use, understand and work with digital technologies. Of course, these “skills of the future” are the basis for the digital economy. Younger generations in particular no longer see these skills as something special, having grown up in a digital world. Nevertheless, it is important that companies invest in digital skills training to ensure that all employees can use digital tools effectively, understand the impact of technologies but also the opportunities behind them, and are of course informed about the latest digital trends. However, care must be taken in how “hype topics” are handled. Because network effects can not only quickly create platforms, but also quickly spread false marketing promises.

Emerging Technologies To Shape the Digital Economy in Future

Emerging technologies will shape the digital future and, like a cathalsyator, once again accelerate the speed and adaptation to a digital economy. These 4 technologies in particular are poised to change the (digital) world once again:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence, such as machine learning, deep learning or neural networks, continues to evolve and will play an increasingly central role in the digital economy. They are key to gaining insights from the vast amounts of data already generated by digital activities and can automate increasingly complex tasks, make predictions, and soon control autonomous systems and robots. So far, these models are still limited and new ways of developing such algorithms need to be found to achieve the goal of “Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)” capable of human-level intelligence and understanding.
  • Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) or “The Metaverse”: These immersive technologies can create entirely new experiences for consumers and open up innovative business applications. Entire industries can be transformed by these virtual experiences, we can also by the emergence of virtual worlds. If we think even further, a parallel world with its own financial and economic system may also emerge in the future. We are talking about the metaverse which, as a concept, would allow a large part of our economy and society to take place in a completely digital space.
  • Quantum computing: Completely realistically speaking, quantum computing is still in its infancy. Yet it could be one of the greatest achievements of our time, as it brings the potential to solve problems that are beyond the reach of even the most powerful classical computers. This could revolutionize fields such as cryptography, medicine, materials science, and complex modeling of societies. It would also be possible to make perfect predictions about people from the vast amount of data or enable complex interconnected 3D virtual worlds like the Metaverse.

Political and regulatory challenges

As the digital economy continues to evolve, so does the need for effective policy and regulatory measures. That’s because we’ve learned that the digital economy knows no boundaries, is evolving exponentially fast, and also has a hell of a lot of power over individuals through data and its analysis. While governments around the world are now relying more on digital services and building digital government platforms themselves, more and more organizations and institutions are also regulating or better controlling the digital economy:

  • Privacy and Data Security: The topic that immediately pops up first with “digital” is privacy. With the increasing collection and use of personal data, protecting privacy and ensuring data security is a major concern, which is why many countries also want to protect their citizens. Regulations such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have set new standards, and other countries are already following suit with their own regulations.
  • Competition rules for tech giants: Tech giants play an important role in the digital economy and now account for a significant portion of the global economy. However, their sheer size and power have raised concerns about anti-competitive practices. Regulators around the world are considering measures to strengthen competition and prevent abuse of market power. There are also growing calls for regulators to better regulate such platforms and firms.
  • Taxation of digital transactions: As economic activity moves to the Internet, traditional taxation methods based on physical presence are becoming less effective. Policy makers are grappling with how to tax digital transactions fairly and effectively. Initiatives such as the OECD’s efforts to develop a global approach to taxing digital transactions are helping. Still, even with approaches like a metaverse, where a complete decoupled digital economy can emerge, there are some challenges.
  • Universal Internet access and (global) digital equity: Access to digital technologies and the skills to use them effectively – often referred to as digital equity – is a key concern. Policymakers are likely to focus on improving digital infrastructure, training digital skills, and removing other barriers to access to ensure that everyone can participate in the digital economy. For example, currently only 1/4 of the world’s people have access to ecommerce, and the majority of people do not yet have access to the Internet or digital services. This can create a global digital divide that deepens as technology becomes more sophisticated.
  • Regulation of emerging technologies: As new technologies such as AI, blockchain, and 5G become ubiquitous, new regulations will be needed to manage risks and ensure ethical use. These could address issues such as AI bias, the legality of blockchain for anonymous transaction, and ensuring the security of digital platforms or digital identities. Therefore, governments need to respond today to issues that may quickly become a problem tomorrow.


We are only at the start of the digital economy. Driven by rapid technological advances, there will be countless changes and opportunities. We are already seeing a new world of business models and globally changing consumer behavior. Our relationships and leisure time have rapidly adapted to this digital economy and we face many challenges personally, as a society, as a company and also ethically.

The digital economy requires a new way of thinking, including a shift in our skills, mindset and approach to work and business. Companies that want to succeed in this new economy must not only embrace digital technologies, but also foster a culture of agility, innovation and customer centricity. Data-driven mindsets are no longer optional, but an essential aspect of remaining competitive in today’s digitized world and not becoming obsolete.

We are also still facing many technological breakthroughs that will once again completely redefine our world. Whether AI, quantum computing or 1000 other technologies – all have the potential to change entire industries within a few years. This will also have a major impact on policy and regulation as we also need to find solutions on how to deal with privacy, free competition, fair taxation, digital justice and technology regulation. Only by evolving together can we ensure that the benefits of the digital economy are shared and the potential risks are managed.

Benjamin Talin, a serial entrepreneur since the age of 13, is the founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital, a global initiative providing access to topics of the future. As an influential keynote speaker, he shares insights on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and has advised governments, EU commissions, and ministries on education, innovation, economic development, and digitalization. With over 400 publications, 200 international keynotes, and numerous awards, Benjamin is dedicated to changing the status quo through technology and innovation. #bethechange Stay tuned for MoreThanDigital Insights - Coming soon!

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