5 steps to develop a good social media strategy

Everyone can develop their own social media strategy to get started

Building your own social media strategy is not difficult. In only 5 steps you can deal specifically with the topic and start to win customers via social media.

With more than 2.8 billion daily users on the social media platforms, you don’t really have to say much about how important it is to represent your company there. Customers now even take it for granted that they can approach companies via social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., build up trust or get information about these profiles. A social media strategy should not be missing in any good marketing strategy.

The latest trend is also the direct contact. More and more customers are chatting with companies and are looking for a more personal approach. Of course, it is not only the availability that is decisive here, but also friendliness, customer proximity and a personal level help to bind the customer more closely to the company.

Here we have shown you 5 simple steps to have a better presence on social media networks and to develop your own social media strategy.

1. Know your target group

The target audience is one of the central components of any strategy. Knowing who you want to reach also has an implicit impact on the choice of social media channels and what you will post on them. However, this targeted approach is only possible if you have a good understanding of your social counterpart.

In order to define the target groups better, one usually uses buyer personas. This involves thinking about a fictitious person and giving him or her attributes, a story, an education, etc.

For example, Frank, 35 years old, trained buyer, 2 children and family man interested in sports, can be one of the fictitious persons for whom an online merchant assumes that 10% of his own customers have such a profile. So to address Frank, you already have a profile that you can use.

2. Define and know goals for social media

Every post, every interaction and every statement should serve a higher purpose. Do you want to bring more traffic to your website? Do you want to inform customers already in the mail? Do you want to position yourself as an expert? Do you want to reach the customer at eye level and seek dialogue? Do you want to establish yourself as an opinion leader?

What are quantitative goals you have? Clicks on the website, comments, likes? Or do you aim to build up a community or win followers?

3. Publish content that is worth sharing

The better and more valuable content is, the more it is clicked and shared. This sharing leads to a great effect and should be one of the important goals that content is shared as much as possible.

However, the goal should also be that you can advertise your products and services and that they will of course also benefit from it. So it is worthwhile to post content that makes sure that people build trust, know the brand and develop a personal relationship to the brand.

Some of the most successful opportunities for content that is shared are

  • Links to blog posts
  • Organic videos (videos directly on the platform, not as links)
  • Pictures
  • Live-Stream Videos

All these media try to convey added value. Especially visual content like pictures, movies and live streams are very interesting for many people, provide many likes, shares and comments and help to make the company better known.

4. Be Social

As in good relationships and social interactions. It is helpful to get involved in the dialogue. It is not enough to just post and hope that the others do the work and share the content. It is also important to be active, to link other posts, to help people with helpful comments or to attract attention with a free tip.

Especially these little personal moments can have a great effect and sometimes you will be positively surprised by a lot of feedback.

5. Test and optimize

Of course, as with any strategy, it must be constantly reviewed. If you use social media posting tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer, you can look at the integrated analyses to better understand which content works most efficiently at which optimal posting times.

Every audience is different and therefore you should be agile in adapting and experimenting with the content.


If you think a little bit about your customers and target group, you will quickly see which channels are best suited to address them with which content. This small social media strategy is best supported by personal interaction and continuous improvement and review.

Benjamin Talin, a serial entrepreneur since the age of 13, is the founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital, a global initiative providing access to topics of the future. As an influential keynote speaker, he shares insights on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and has advised governments, EU commissions, and ministries on education, innovation, economic development, and digitalization. With over 400 publications, 200 international keynotes, and numerous awards, Benjamin is dedicated to changing the status quo through technology and innovation. #bethechange Stay tuned for MoreThanDigital Insights - Coming soon!

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