Understanding and Applying First Principles Thinking: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking (Real) Innovation: A Deep Dive into First Principles Thinking

Dive into First Principles Thinking—a transformative approach to problem-solving. Break free from conventional norms to foster innovation and clarity.

To ignite the spark of innovation and find new solutions, we need a radical shift in the way we approach problems. That’s where First Principles Thinking comes in, a method that has its roots in philosophy but is highly relevant to today’s most pressing challenges.

At its core, First Principles Thinking is about breaking down complex concepts, problems or beliefs into their fundamental components. Rather than relying on analogy, precedent, current methods or conventional wisdom, it encourages us to dive deep into the essence of a problem (“the real problem”), free from bias or preconceived notions. By breaking down a problem into its fundamental elements, we can take a fresh perspective and innovate from the ground up – element by element.

So let us dive deep into the world of First Principles Thinking and explore its origins, nuances, applications and challenges. When used correctly, we give ourselves a powerful tool – one that fosters creativity, creates clarity, drives forward thinking and allows for completely different perspectives.

So why should we rethink the way we think? And how can First Principles Thinking reshape our approach to the myriad challenges we face? I will tell you more in the next few paragraphs.

What is First Principles Thinking?

First Principles Thinking is a method of problem solving and decision making that breaks down complex ideas, problems or processes into their fundamental components. Rather than relying on analogy, learned norms, conventional wisdom or precedent, this method requires us to dig deep into the core of the problem to understand its fundamental elements and components. From this basic understanding, we can then reconstruct a solution or idea from scratch, without the limitations of assumptions and biases.

Origins and History of First Principles Thinking

Thinking from first principles may sound modern and innovative, but it is rooted in ancient philosophy. The term “first principles” can be traced back to the works of Aristotle. Aristotle believed in the concept of identifying the “first foundation” from which a thing is known. In essence, this means understanding something at its most fundamental level – “at the root of the problem”, so to speak.

As the principle is logical and easy to follow, it is not surprising that many thinkers and inventors have used this method implicitly over time. Today, the principle is back in vogue with advocates such as Elon Musk. For Musk, the process involved reducing things to their fundamental truths and thinking from there. This approach has been crucial to his ventures, especially SpaceX, which aims to reduce the cost of space travel by rethinking the rocket or its use from the ground up. More on that later.

Why would you want to use First Principles Thinking?

When you are free to think without “bias” and “prejudice” and you are allowed to krethink the problems, then some solutions come to mind. The “we’ve always done it this way” approach can be very dangerous, especially for companies that have a long history and have not really thought about the fundamental problems for a long time. Henry Ford once said that customers would have wanted faster horses if they had been asked, but the fundamental problem was really just a faster means of transport. So if you think about it, you shouldn’t think about horses or cars, you should think about why people need to move in the first place, what are the problems of moving, what are the personal problems of getting from point A to point B?

But if we look at the basic benefits, we find 3 big assumptions where First Principles Thinking can be applied and why it is a great methodology for everyone:

  1. Applicable to any industry and any problem: First Principles Thinking is not limited to any one field. From the intricacies of scientific research to strategic business decisions and personal growth aspirations, its application is broad. By challenging existing models and beliefs, it creates space for breakthrough discoveries and innovative solutions.
  2. It is perfect for innovation and creativity: By removing assumptions and relying on fundamental truths, we are no longer constrained by existing models or paradigms. This paves the way for creativity and allows us to see problems and solutions in a new light. It’s a direct challenge to the phrase “that’s the way it’s always been done” and challenges us to think “how can it be done differently and more efficiently?
  3. Clarity and decision-making: As well as innovation, First Principles Thinking offers clarity. When we understand the core of a problem, decision making becomes more transparent. The noise of superficial complexity is eliminated and decisions can be made based on truth and understanding. Just ask yourself, “Does this really solve the problem?

Process of First Principles Thinking

At first glance, it seems almost obvious how First Principles Thinking works. But as simple as the principle seems, the more difficult it is to implement.

  1. Identify the (real) problem: It all starts with clarity. Before you begin your analysis, you need to clearly define the problem or concept you are addressing. This provides the roadmap for the following steps and ensures that efforts are properly focused. It can be difficult to identify the real problem, as you need to look beyond what you think is “obvious” (think of Henry Ford’s problem with faster horses).
  2. Break down the problem: Once you have identified a real problem to solve, the next step is to break it down. What are the components of the problem or idea? What are the related/interconnected problems? This step may involve research, interviews and a thorough understanding of the problem. This process can take a long time and sometimes comes after many iterations. So be patient.
  3. Analyse the basic components: Once the problem has been analysed, the next step is to understand the basic elements that have been uncovered and how they are connected/triggered. This is where the difference between assumptions and fundamental truths becomes critical. Each component is examined, questioned and understood in its purest form, and you must question all your assumptions at all times. Always ask yourself “Is it true?” or “Is it just what I think it is?
  4. Reassemble the information: After this extensive task, you should have a clear understanding of the basic elements and the connections between them. The final step is to synthesise this information. This is where the problem or idea is reconstructed from a new perspective and you begin to look for the right solutions to address these components and problems. Only with a deep understanding of the fundamental truths as building blocks can new solutions, new business models or insights emerge. It is in this recomposition phase that REAL innovation thrives, because you are no longer bound by traditional models or assumptions, and you focus on the pure problem instead of assumptions.

Psychological Challenges of First Principles Thinking

So the process is simple, just take a problem. Go and look for the ‘real problem’ you want to solve. Then break it down into its basic components, and then figure out how to solve those components in a new way. Sounds simple, right?

But there are many, many obstacles to really following these steps, and it takes a lot of training and also active participation to make it work, because there is always a shortcut (“the existing assumption”), and your brain doesn’t like to work hard when there might be a shortcut.

So let’s look at some of the most common challenges, blockers and how to solve them.

Cognitive Efforts – “It feels exhausting”

  • Cognitive load: Incorporating first principles Thinking is not a walk in the park. It requires considerable cognitive resources. Analysing basic elements and constantly questioning assumptions can be mentally taxing, especially when compared to more heuristic methods that require less active processing.
  • Overcome mental laziness: Humans by nature often seek the path of least resistance. Our brains are wired to conserve energy, which leads us to prefer familiar patterns and shortcuts. First Principles Thinking challenges this by requiring active, deliberate thinking.
  • Mindset shift: Moving from conventional to innovative thinking requires a fundamental shift in mindset. You need to stop accepting information at face value and start questioning and challenging the status quo.

Cognitive biases – “Don’t trust your own thoughts”

  • Confirmation bias: One of the biggest obstacles to using a first-principles approach is our inherent tendency to look for information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs. This bias can prevent genuine exploration and confirmation of fundamental truths.
  • Status quo bias: This bias is the innate preference for the current state of affairs. People resist change, and deviation from what is known and comfortable is often met with resistance, both internally and externally.
  • Anchoring bias: When confronted with new information, people often rely heavily on the first piece of information they receive. This ‘anchor’ can bias subsequent analysis and decision-making, making it difficult to move away from initial perceptions.

Overcoming assumptions – “Why do I believe this?”

  • Challenging established beliefs: It can be uncomfortable to challenge long-held beliefs or social norms. There is mental friction in questioning something you have always accepted as true.
  • Discomfort in unlearning: The process of letting go of previously accepted knowledge or beliefs in order to gain new insights can be daunting. Unlearning requires both humility and courage.

Emotional challenges – “My feeling tells me to stop”

  • Fear of the unknown: It can be intimidating to venture beyond the familiar terrain of conventional thinking into the vastness of undiscovered possibilities. The uncertainty that comes with innovative thinking can trigger fears and doubts.
  • Resistance to change: On both a personal and societal level, there is a certain inertia that resists change. First Principles Thinking is inherently disruptive, and this can lead to emotional resistance or even setbacks.

Overcoming the Challenges

As I mentioned earlier, it is a matter of thinking, constantly questioning yourself and thinking “maybe my brain is fooling me, can I trust myself? This is the art of first principles thinking, being willing to question every assumption, accepting that you are wrong 99% of the time, and being willing to go further and do more. So there is not much more you can do than practice to get better at this kind of thinking. It might also help if you

  1. Practice continuous learning: Cultivating a growth mindset and valuing continuous learning can make the journey smoother. By viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, the process becomes less intimidating.
  2. Seek diverse perspectives: Inviting different points of view can offer fresh perspectives and help challenge and refine your own biases and assumptions. So be ‘neuro-diverse’ or just ask your friends, your parents or even people who are so far away from the subject that you need to explain the basics to them.
  3. Practice self-awareness: Regular self-reflection can be invaluable. Recognising your own biases and actively working to counteract them is key to true first principles thinking and should be practised daily and in every way. Train your brain to like this kind of “assumption detection” because our world is full of assumptions that everyone takes for granted.


Among the many tools for problem solving and decision making, First Principles Thinking stands out for its “apparent simplicity”. It can be an incredibly effective way to drive innovation and bring clarity to the decision-making process. By its very nature, it presents some (cognitive) challenges and is not always the most comfortable approach for everyone involved. However, this is precisely why it has such great potential for change when applied consistently and in the right way.

It is important to understand that such a method needs to be learned and practised, and that it also requires a lot of effort (especially in the early stages). Just as you would not use a hammer for every task, First Principles Thinking is most effective when applied carefully and in contexts where it can develop its depth and clarity, or where completely new solutions are absolutely necessary.

Personally, I can only recommend that any company or organisation apply First Principles Thinking to strategically important issues or where innovation is required. With this method, anyone can lead through complexity and uncertainty and perhaps find the breakthrough solutions they’ve always wanted. But be aware of the innovator’s dilemma, because you may have to sacrifice (part of) your existing business when you think of something completely new.

Start practicing First Principles Thinking today and ask yourself if I have told you enough about this topic 😉

Benjamin Talin, a serial entrepreneur since the age of 13, is the founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital, a global initiative providing access to topics of the future. As an influential keynote speaker, he shares insights on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and has advised governments, EU commissions, and ministries on education, innovation, economic development, and digitalization. With over 400 publications, 200 international keynotes, and numerous awards, Benjamin is dedicated to changing the status quo through technology and innovation. #bethechange Stay tuned for MoreThanDigital Insights - Coming soon!

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