SEO relevant keyword research for SMEs

How does an entrepreneur find his relevant keywords for his own SEO?

We show you which elements a good keyword research consists of and how entrepreneurs can build their own keyword strategy. There are some elements to consider and you can also use some tools for this.

We have often talked about the fact that for a proper marketing strategy, there must be an understanding of what you should advertise and for which terms you want to be found. Beginners in the SEO field often make the mistake of not putting enough time and energy into the right keyword research for the business relevant terms.

We show you how to find the right keywords with some tools and a short strategy. It should also be mentioned that all tools cannot replace professional research and keyword strategy, because these tools have to be fed with the right terms to achieve the best results.

We recommend everyone to deal more intensively with these tools to create a good basis and to be able to control the content at the beginning. Because a keyword strategy is the basis for long-term business success.

Additional reads:

SEO: Makes sense for companies despite high costs?
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Why do you need keywords at all?

If we mention that keywords are relevant for entrepreneurs, then it makes sense. The online presence is affected by whether the keywords are mentioned on the website and the social media channels, whether Google AdWords can deliver the right results and whether customers find the content relevant.

A keyword strategy is usually the basis for successful websites, content marketing, social media posts and much more. The digital identity gets relevance by using the right keywords and SEO is a crucial tool to win customers digitally.

A good keyword strategy is therefore also like a general strategy always to improve and question. Therefore it is recommended to check this list regularly and adapt it to changing customer needs or new products/services.

How is an SEO keyword analysis usually structured?

Keyword analyses usually have different phases in which different aspects are discussed. We have developed a model for simplification that consists of 3 areas and that everyone can easily understand. However, we also mention that this important area is best supported by specialists, as this knowledge has long-term effects on your digital marketing.

1. Strategy and Vision

In the first part it is strongly recommended to brainstorm with your own strategy and vision. Here terms should be found for which one wants to be found as strategy. So product names, umbrella terms, industry relevant terms etc. can be listed and are so to speak the first decisive part of the keyword strategy.

2. Customers and needs

What are your customers looking for? What do your customers find you for? What are currently important terms for you? What would your customers look for?

You should consider these and many more questions when it comes to finding the keywords. Customers always have specific needs. For example, special product features, special abbreviations or even product names can make a big difference to how you are found on Google & Co.

3. Technical Keyword Analysis

This analysis is usually performed by specialists. Specific terms are ranked, data about relevance, difficulty of a term to be ranked, CPC and much more are used. Different tools and techniques are used to optimize the keyword list and adapt it to the technical requirements. This part is usually very important, because it also gives you an insight into what you should focus on and which terms are best to use.

What do you do with the keywords?

If you have successfully completed all 3 areas, then important SEO terms should have emerged, with which you then create content. The advantage in the end is that you have a prioritized list of terms that you should use when it comes to texts on websites, social media, etc.

It is recommended that you focus more on this in order to create content with high relevance and customer value. Keyword research also provides most of the information about what customers expect and what content they would expect. With this knowledge, it is relatively easy to target a customer and prepare content in such a way that it can be found with Google & Co.

Tools for SEO Keyword Analysis

There are several tools on the market that can be used as support and reference point for keyword research. One should always keep in mind that all tools and aids can easily be falsified by incorrect operation and incorrect user input. (e.g. comparison of wrong competitors, entering wrong keywords for the search, wrong prioritization of terms etc.)

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a tool with many functionalities and can be used well for keyword research. The tool provides insight into the approximate CPC (cost-per-click) and also the approximate queries per month for keywords. As with all tools, caution is advised, as this data is only estimated.

The “Keyword Magic Research” tool is also a nice feature that helps to define a preliminary list of short and long keywords relatively easily and quickly.

2. google AdWords

With the help of Google AdWords and the Google Keyword Planner, keyword lists can be created quickly. The Google tool helps to get a more precise insight into the monthly search volume of terms as well as the difficulty for this keyword to be ranked. In addition, you can also see the approximate CPC costs for Google AdWords campaigns.

Google AdWords is especially strong at comparing existing terms and is a really important tool for all users. If you are looking for new suggestions, then SEMrush is a more suitable tool.

3. MOZ

MOZ is one of the best sources when it comes to the world of SEO. MOZ with its Keyword Explorer is a valuable source for keyword research and gives a relatively good insight into the different aspects of keywords.

Since MOZ offers many features and also the data quality is high, the price is accordingly. Only 2 free queries per day are usually too few for a consistent analysis for an SEO strategy but with these free queries specific keywords can be verified or controlled.

4. SpyFu

As the name easily suggests, SpyFu is specially designed for spying. The tool helps to find out for which terms the competition is found. This is easily done by entering the URL of the competition and then the approximate number of visitors per month and the keywords for which the site is found.

5. Google analytics & search console

Especially for existing companies these free tools from Google are very helpful. These tools give insight into the current performance of your website and allow you to see which pages and terms were relevant. For this purpose you should look at “Search Analytics” in the Search Console and pay special attention to “Landingpages” in Google Analytics. With the help of this data, existing success models can be adopted and expanded.

Conclusion on keyword research

When it comes to making a company relevant for certain terms and user requests, there is no way around extensive and clean keyword research. Your strategy, together with the statements of your target customers can be very informative and provide a good basis. With the help of online tools and professional support, sustainable strategies can then be developed, which should also be continuously adapted.

The success of all other measures such as content marketing, social media marketing as well as the website are directly related to the right definition of the relevant terms. Therefore it is recommended to invest enough time and resources for this research.

Benjamin Talin, a serial entrepreneur since the age of 13, is the founder and CEO of MoreThanDigital, a global initiative providing access to topics of the future. As an influential keynote speaker, he shares insights on innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship, and has advised governments, EU commissions, and ministries on education, innovation, economic development, and digitalization. With over 400 publications, 200 international keynotes, and numerous awards, Benjamin is dedicated to changing the status quo through technology and innovation. #bethechange Stay tuned for MoreThanDigital Insights - Coming soon!

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