Motivation – catalyst for the success of continuing education

The added value of motivation during further education is enormous

The basis for successful further education is motivation. What is and remains important is the vision that is associated with continuing education: What perspectives do I have? Can I implement knowledge transfer in my day-to-day business? Is it fun to listen to the teachers? And finally, the question arises: Do I reconcile everything with job, further education, personal environment and possibly also family?

“I don’t know if I’d be able to handle this…” a woman tells me in a consultation – she is interested in studying for a diploma. Business economist HF and she absolutely meets the requirements for approval. “In the past, at a young age, I was not aware that continuing education would have been important for my professional future. It is certainly too late today. Besides, I don’t know if I would still be able to learn and put it all in my head. ”

It’s never too late…

Being in the 50+ age group myself, I ask her about her age, because she still seems quite young to me. “Almost 30,” she replies, adding with a sigh, “It’s too old, isn’t it?” Inside I think: “So actually still very young!”

In my role as headmaster at the TEKO Swiss Technical School in Basel, such concerned statements are repeatedly brought to my attention. There is a fear of not being up to the task of studying and/or being too old to be able to successfully push the school bench.

Are you able to cope with the double burden? A concrete goal is half the battle

“It’s always a question of perspective,” I reply to the young woman. “You said you weren’t aware of the importance of continuing education at the time. How do you see it today?“Today I want to make something out of my life. I want to lay the groundwork to be able to take on a great, responsible position.“Do you have a specific goal in mind?” he asked. “Yes,” he suddenly broke out of her. “That’s half the battle!” he replied.

If someone is intrinsically motivated – i.e. from the inside out – and willing to do something specifically for it, in addition to actively dedicating himself to self-study, then he/she has the best prerequisites to reach the goal successfully.

I have been conducting such consultations for nine years now and accompany our students through their studies. A clear pattern has emerged for me: If someone is “forced” from outside to complete a course of study – for example by their parents, the company or the IV (disability insurance) – then the course of study is usually very resinous; in some cases it even ends with a termination.

Motivation from “inside” – but also from the environment…

If, on the other hand, a clear goal is in mind and the desire is given from the inside to undertake a study, then the motivation is right. This internal driver then usually justifies students taking on the burdens of studying (less leisure time, more stress besides work and private obligations) – because they do it for themselves. This is something that no one can take away from you.

But also the immediate environment – superiors in the company or employees as well as the circle of friends and the family or partners – play a key role in motivation. Success stories in the implementation of learned things, for example, work wonders. And if one learns from the personal living environment appreciation for the project, all the more.

Of course, it is also important to know how to learn “correctly”. We are always happy to help our students find out their own learning type and learn different learning strategies.

How old was your oldest student?” Ask me the interested party, who will turn you around again after the farewell from the consultation. “64”, I give her the answer. “You see, there is no age limit. According to neuroscientific findings, the human brain, contrary to the traditional opinion, is capable of learning for a lifetime. It is never too late!”

Terry Tschumi ist seit Dezember 2013 Schulleiterin der Höheren Fachschule TEKO Basel. Was sie auszeichnet ist nicht nur das enorme Fachwissen in den Bereichen der höheren Berufsbildung und Weiterbildung im Generellen, sondern auch ihre zukunftsorientierten, visionären Ideen in dieser Branche. Ihre Stärken liegen zudem in der Ausarbeitung einer optimalen Bildungsstrategie für alle, die sowohl im Beruf weiterkommen wie auch den persönlichen Horizont erweitern wollen. Terry Tschumi ist studierte Ökonomin, Personalfachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis, Ausbildungsleiterin mit eidg. Diplom und weist ein MAS in Erwachsenenbildung und Bildungsmanagement aus. Sie ist verheiratet und wohnt mit ihrer Familie in Reinach. Die 50 jährige ist ein Beispiel dafür, wohin man es mit Zielstrebigkeit, Motivation und Freude an der Umsetzung bringen kann. Nach dem Wirtschaftsstudium an der Uni Basel arbeitete sie unter anderem bei der Basellandschaftlichen Kantonalbank in Liestal sowie der Eotec AG in Muttenz als Leiterin Personal. Seit nunmehr rund neun Jahren führt sie erfolgreich die Höhere Fachschule TEKO Basel.

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