Career in the Digital World – The Digital Transformation of Yourself

How you can stay connected in the digital world and make massive gains in quality of life.

What should you be prepared for when preparing for the digital future? There are a few ways in which you can reconcile your own career with the digital world and how you can also use digitization as an opportunity and gain quality of life at the same time.

In today’s world, more and more people are deciding to seek a digitized job in the digital world, which offers more personal fulfillment and freedom. But most of them are afraid of this step. They think that special technical skills are needed, that this “online staff” is only for the young, that you have to master various tools to keep up in this pond and that you can only be successful with a corresponding degree.

In fact, the digital world is developing at an extremely fast pace, and as a result, the online world now offers opportunities for everyone, regardless of knowledge and skills to move in this world. If you really want to, in a very short time you will get incredible opportunities to change your life from the ground up and earn a living through completely new activities. In addition, the new digital world also offers unimagined opportunities to build your own income empire. Here are a few very practical instructions to help you successfully find your way in the digital world:

1. Stay tuned and stay interesting

The digital world is first and foremost a world of information. Therefore, the first question to ask to advance your virtual career is: “how can I stay “up to date””? It is necessary to process a large amount of information. For this you need a clear work strategy that fits you and your desired life.

Always remember that staying on the ball and staying informed is the only way to keep up in the fast-paced digital world. Don’t neglect to constantly keep up with new information in your field. Here are some tips:

  • Learn all the time. There are countless online courses, videos, tutorials and even entire courses. So you can find exactly what suits you and your needs. But don’t overload yourself. It’s better to take one lesson a month and do it regularly, rather than one lesson a day and then drop out after two weeks because it’s simply too much for you.
  • Follow experts in your field of interest. It is extremely valuable to pay attention to these experts, to see what they do, what they say and what their predictions are. You can learn a lot from them and they will give you valuable free lessons that will help you immensely in your future career.
  • Focus on your core topic. We get distracted by the masses and after a few minutes we find ourselves in a place where we never wanted to be. Therefore, decide what exactly your core area is and what you want to concentrate on fully. Leave everything else out.

2. Networking is mandatory

If you don’t collaborate with people in the digital world, you won’t survive. So you have to reach people online, you have to have contacts if you want to live your dream as a job. And the world of social media offers you immense opportunities to do just that. And it’s even free. These networks create similarities and commonalities and it is very easy to get in touch with any professional. A few clicks and you are connected.

Use these platforms. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn and others to stay up to date. You’ll make lots of new friends, you’ll meet professionals in your field, you’ll continually get better at what you do, and you’ll learn immensely and quickly. This will open up whole new avenues for you, create new opportunities and it will help you market yourself and your skills in the digital world.

Relationships are the leverage. The more you give, the longer your leverage will be – Gary Vaynerchuk

3. Produce valuable content

Every day, millions of people post hundreds of millions of pieces of content such as photos, articles, previews, press releases, etc.. So it’s hard to get noticed and stand out. But there is an easy way to get attention and grow your audience.

The key is regularity. That means producing content regularly, creating reliability. However, your content should be interesting, valuable and personal. Try to be creative, to be fun, to be different. Be yourself, real and honest. Be human, smart and offer added value.

This way you will quickly reach your audience and it will grow very quickly, even if some posts offer more and others sometimes less. With regularity, articles can be a little weaker and your audience will still read them. So you will be remembered again. Often it is even valuable for your audience to read shorter and easily digestible articles. A tip, an idea, which can be easily and simply implemented is much more valuable than a written book that collects dust in the closet.

4. Don’t be afraid of job hopping

The term “job hopping” is fairly new and usually quite negative. It usually describes a person who changes jobs like underpants. But statistics and surveys show that there are more and more companies and managers looking for specialists for a specific topic, who bring experience in different areas and who can apply their diverse skills in many digital market areas. All-rounders are in demand again, especially in the digital world.

Therefore, always dare to try something new. Keep changing, change your job when you feel it’s time to learn and experience something new again. Try out different options. Job hopping helps you decide which niche you want to fill and makes you a valuable all-rounder with a broad knowledge and versatile skill set. This is a unique skill for a digital worker.

In addition, in recent years, the intrapreneur has become very fashionable. An intrapreneur is a person who works in a company as an employee but approaches tasks with the attitude of an entrepreneur. This also means mastering a new challenge every now and then.

In the midst of difficulties lie opportunities – Albert Einstein

5. Get organized

The moment you dive into the digital world, remember: organization is the key to success.  As digital workers, we increasingly work from home, on the road or at different workplaces. Likewise, we often have the freedom to work at a wide variety of times. For example, I’m writing this article from home at 7:30 p.m., while my wife is still working on something. However, this also brings with it the great challenge of having to be very well organized. To have all tasks under control, to stay focused and to have the right things ready at the right time is the demand we have to put on ourselves.

The best way to do this is to work with a weekly planner. For a better overview we can also use the additional monthly planner. From the weekly planner we then plan our day. If you only concentrate on the days, you will lose the overview very quickly. Then you suddenly think about what day it actually is today. That’s why I always recommend the rough overview of the weekly plan.

I always work with Outlook, because most of the tools that help me organize my life are already included. Of course there are other exciting tools like G-Suite from Google, etc.. You have to find out for yourself what suits you best. It also makes sense to get a tool where projects can be easily and simply mapped and organized. I love Trello. Trello is a Kanban board where you can create your tasks as cards and easily move them from one stage to another. Plus, you can attach a myriad of information to each task and set deadlines. The planner in the Office365 suite is similar. Anyway, I think that Microsoft has made a big hit with Office 365. And I say that as a sworn “Appleian”.

The most important thing about the whole organization, I think, is that you can put everything from your head into one system. All tasks, ideas, information belong out of your head and into a system where you can find them again and where you are reminded of certain tasks. With these simple but very effective inputs, you too will be able to march more successfully and joyfully through the digital world. It is very likely that you will find your very own way. You will very quickly make a name for yourself and go your own way.

Even if you don’t know where to start yet, just go. Do your best, deliver quality, stay focused and organized, friendly and communicate to your audience. Even if you still have a small audience, it will grow very quickly. Trust in yourself. This way you will also quickly make useful contacts, make connections and find the job of your dreams.

Strategie, Change, Digitalisierung etc. – wo bleibt der Mensch? Mit welchen Methoden müssen welche Fähigkeiten und Verhalten trainiert werden damit Mitarbeitende fit für die Zukunft sind, beschäftigt Gerri Hagspiel seit über 25 Jahren. Gerhard Hagspiel ist ausgebildeter Managementtrainer und Business Coach und beherrscht den Spagat zwischen wissenschaftlichen Modellen und praktikabler Umsetzung excellent. Als Head of Business Development bei Performance Plus verantwortet er die Entwicklung von Lösungen und Angeboten im Bereich Mitarbeiterentwicklung und Performancesteigerung.

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