Metaverse for revolutionary content, education and training

More than just hype? What can Metaverse really do for training, continuing education and education?

When will we use AI power efficiently in the training industry and when will the metaverse topic be relevant for trainers and coaches?

The Metaverse is set to become a game changer for the future of virtual reality and digital interaction – at least that’s how the futurists see it. The potential is huge and could completely turn the world of work upside down.

However, most implementation models and forms are still in their infancy. And acceptance still leaves much to be desired. This world is still far too much like a playground for freaks and the brave who want to jump on a not-yet-fast-moving train right away instead of having to run after it in a few years.

Getting “early adopters” on board….

So-called “early adopters” are needed to get a trend rolling. This is true across all industries and even more so in the area of technologies for the new innovative communication channels. These early adopters include the 500 million or so active users of virtual communities. The majority of these come from the gaming platform sector. These early adopters have no fear of contact and like to create or use their own avatars with virtual clothing and use virtual currencies to buy digital objects. So-called Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The younger “Alpha” generation, as the successor generation to “GenZ,” is used to this dual world of physical and digital. And what does this mean for all those who want to retain precisely this generation Alpha in the future? Being there is everything – if possible, not according to the “last one to bite the dog” principle.

Ergo: Companies should take the possibilities of metaverse platforms seriously in order to create innovative companies and retain customers. Benefits include the ability to create immersive customer experiences that transcend the boundaries of the physical world. You can also tap into new sales channels, leverage storytelling and brandtelling as a brand to target audiences, develop new business models, and even improve product development with the help of the community.

Dare to take the step into the metaverse – but not headlong…

I have dared to take the step into the metaverse. I owe it to myself and my customers! After all, my core competence as a webinar designer is the development of modern learning settings and learning content. I’ve already had myself scanned and now have my own avatar. I also have the privilege of having already completed a few jobs in this direction. And clients are already digging in their heels and want to be there when “AI power and metaverse in webinars” and digital and virtual communication really take off. My own products are also focused on the revolutionary use of AI. It’s about using AI-based tools and technologies in a targeted way, for example, to take training content to a whole new level. For example, AI should automatically create engaging presentations and webinars that are specifically tailored to a target audience and optimize the learning experience.

However, three learning objectives are always at the forefront so that everyone can understand the impact on training and education:

  1. Understand the uses of AI in training and education. Generative AI-based tools should help create high-quality, customized content for presentations, webinars, and online training.
  2. AI-based tools and platforms are designed to make training content more efficient and increase interactivity in your webinars.
  3. Learning from proven methods and best practices for integrating AI into training processes. Furthermore, be able to continuously reap the benefits of AI.

My tips for getting started with the Metaverse

  1. Familiarize yourself with the technology: Before jumping into the Metaverse, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic technologies. Learn about virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). Learn how these technologies work and what devices and platforms they require. This knowledge will help you make the right decisions and get the most out of the Metaverse.
  2. Explore different metaverse platforms: There are a variety of Metaverse platforms that offer different experiences and interactions. Take the time to explore different platforms and find out which one best fits your interests and goals. Whether it’s social interactions, virtual events or professional development, there’s a platform for every purpose.
  3. Get into this world in a fun way: Here are a few examples of where they can experience a first taste of the Metaverse. Most platforms offer entertainment and also virtual classrooms where you can hold entire workshops. My favorite is the platform from Germany: TriCat. Here you can rent virtual rooms. You can individualize them and work very well in them. I use this platform in my workshops. In the meantime, there are many other metaverse platforms on the market and new ones are created every day that you can use. Networking with communication platforms such as Twitter and Discord is also exciting.
  4. Participate in communities: The Metaverse lives from the community. Join virtual communities, exchange ideas with other users, and participate in events and discussions. This will not only allow you to make valuable contacts, but also to benefit from the experiences and tips of others. Oh yes, if you want to meet me, search for “Raffatar” 😊.
  5. Speaking of “Raffatar” avatar: Create your own avatar. In the Metaverse, your avatar represents your virtual identity. Take the time to create your avatar and customize it to your liking. Choose a look that reflects your personality and experiment with different clothing styles and accessories. Your avatar will be your virtual self and allow you to express yourself in the Metaverse world. I work with different avatars, which I call “Raffatars” to match my first name. Get a first impression of what is meant by avatar. Create avatars for example with the software VuppetMaster from Germany.
  6. Be creative and experiment: the Metaverse offers you the opportunity to implement your creative ideas and discover new ways of presentation and communication. Experiment with different media formats, create interactive presentations and use the virtual tools and features to get your message across in a unique way.
  7. Learn from the experts: the Metaverse is still an emerging technology, and there are many experts and pioneers sharing their knowledge. Attend workshops, seminars and webinars to learn from the best. Learn how to harness the full potential of the Metaverse and how to develop innovative content and applications.

So now, if you’re still scared of the Metaverse, you can – indeed, you must – keep up to date (for now). As with all, however, the same applies here: “Bite the last one…”. But we already had that… .

Raffaele Sciortino ist ein schweizerisch-italienischer Erwachsenenbildner, Buchautor, Musiker und Webinar-Designer. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Unterhaltungsbranche arbeitete er mit namhaften Künstlern zusammen. Seit 2001 ist er als Bildungsmanager und Trainer tätig und spezialisiert sich auf Didaktik, digitale Themen und Webinardesign. Raffaele coachte hunderte Menschen und ist bekannt für seine humorvolle und anschauliche Art, Seminare und Webinare zu leiten. Er ist Gründer des "Instituts für Webinar-Design" und bietet Unternehmen und Bildungsinstitutionen Trainings im Blended-Learning-Format an. Als Speaker begeistert er sein Publikum mit Charme und Leidenschaft. Zu seinen Kunden gehören die Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG, die Sanitas Krankenversicherung und die Hamilton AG. Neben seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit widmet sich Raffaele seiner Familie, der Musik, dem Segeln und dem Skifahren in den Schweizer Bergen.

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