Are you a forward thinker, doer or pioneer? – Making yourself visible with personal branding

As a thought leader, personal branding makes it easier to achieve professional and personal success

Personal Branding is a tool that is becoming increasingly popular. Through the internet we can spread details about ourselves and our lives, which everyone can see and thus position ourselves.

Personal Branding is a tool that is becoming increasingly popular. Digitalization means that people today present themselves in a completely different way and are much more public than was previously the case. Via the Internet, we can disseminate details about ourselves and our lives that everyone can see. In combination with the right personal branding, everyone can use this to gain professional and personal advantages.

This is what says: “For some professions and experts an appropriate positioning of their presence today is as natural as a business card for others. In short: personal branding has long since become a mass phenomenon”.
It is all about developing and positioning a brand with recognition value. In times when the way we work is changing and competition is increasing, personal branding can be used to present yourself more clearly to others.

This is especially important when we have a certain and special potential that may not be recognizable at first glance, but which makes us think ahead. Because people who are pioneers in this way and have a vision are becoming increasingly important for the future.

If you think about how to push your personal and professional career, then personal branding might be the way for you. Find out now where your potential lies and what your mission is. Then you can work out your personal brand and create your digital positioning. Become the unique creator and thought leader you’ve always been on social media.

Recognizing and presenting your own potential as a visionary and doer

Those who know their potential also know their own value. This is very important for both professional and personal development. Especially when it comes to the ability to think, live and act in a future-oriented way. We are in a time of change, and especially now forward thinkers and doers are becoming more and more important. People who have ideas and who break new ground with drive and conviction are in demand. A look back into the past shows that it has always been these special people who without hesitation have gone their way as forward thinkers and pioneers who have ultimately driven development in all areas.

This is how the future is shaped. There are certain characteristics that distinguish such visionaries. Above all, they need curiosity, openness, courage and the willingness to make decisions. And also the tendency to look beyond the horizon is enormously important. In addition, a pioneer and visionary is also characterized by being driven by an inner motivation that has to do with the inner vision and also brings a certain amount of stamina.

If you think around the corner more often than you follow the mainstream and have a clear vision, you are probably one of the pioneers of tomorrow. In times of digitalization it becomes more and more important that you make this visible to the outside world.

Social Media (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing etc.) offers many possibilities to spread your positioning. You can use this for private or professional purposes. If you are a pioneer in a certain field, or would like to become one, then it is time for your personal branding as a pioneer and doer. Maybe you have a characteristic personality that already gives you the direction in which “your” personal brand is going. Then it might be easy for you to see yourself in this position and develop it further. Actually, it is all about matching your personality with your visions and mission. From this, you can develop a clear and consistent image of yourself that makes it easier for other people to understand and get to know you as a person, potential employee or service provider.

What your personal brand can be important for

In addition to the desire to present oneself within a private profile in social media channels, personal branding is playing an increasingly important role in professional careers in times of digitalization. In times of social media, nobody can avoid positioning themselves digitally. This is a great opportunity to clearly and distinctly work out one’s own potential and to develop oneself further through this alone.

When applying for a job, it is now becoming increasingly common to look for potential applicants and their activities and commitments on the Internet. Therefore it should not be left to chance what is then found here. So your clear positioning as a forward thinker, doer or visionary can give you clear advantages in your job search. For the potential employer, it quickly becomes clear what you stand for and what can be expected from you, if you have previously developed an appropriate personal branding.

Problems, which are connected with different expectations, do not arise so at all. Ultimately, the right positioning can help you to find the right people very quickly or to get in touch with the right project for you. This not only saves time, but also creates more potential for new developments. And last but not least, it also helps you personally if you take a closer look at yourself and your potential. In this way, everyone involved will benefit from establishing yourself as a brand.

Being a pioneer and becoming a brand through positioning

It is a strange thought to make oneself a brand. Maybe you try to see this from a different perspective. It’s about creating the best version of yourself as a pioneer. After all, the ultimate goal is that you develop and highlight your potential as a pioneer, thought leader, visionary and doer very clearly. This also has advantages for yourself, because you will probably get to know completely new sides of yourself in this process, and maybe you will even find buried potential that will strengthen your role as a pioneer and open up new possibilities for you as a pioneer. Of course, this topic has a lot to do with digitalization.

Because in the end, you will mainly present yourself via social media. Create a digital form of yourself that will help you to better position yourself professionally and personally. The sooner you get involved in this unconventional way, the sooner you will open up new paths. And perhaps you will reach your goal of making your vision come true much faster than you thought.

At the same time you can become aware that with your new positioning as a thought leader you are also a role model for others. If you have a vision that appeals to other people, you can at the same time encourage others to develop their vision and create an appropriate positioning for it. Humanity always needs pioneers who dare to simply follow new paths.

Find your personal brand and make it digitally visible

What is the best way to get your personal brand? Find out what your mission is. What sounds so simple is usually at the end of an intensive process. Many people do not know exactly what their mission is. Yes, many people do not know themselves exactly. If you see yourself as a pioneer and doer, but you are not yet clear about your vision or mission, it is now one of your tasks to find out. Because as a personal brand you will only become clearly recognizable through this definition. You make yourself into a brand with recognition value and clear assignment.

The brand has a neutral meaning here. It is only a matter of working out the characteristics that make you what you are and that will remain. That way you become assessable for others. This is especially important as a pioneer or visionary. Because people who take different paths are often difficult for others to assess at first glance and the imponderability of something new can sometimes even be frightening. That is why it is so important that you clearly emphasize what you stand for and what your mission is. Because digitalization today means that many aspects of our lives leave their mark online.

It’s good if you have some control over how you are represented digitally as a personal brand. Here it is important to choose cleverly on which channels you present yourself. LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, the list goes on, and you have to decide for yourself and your way which channels make sense for you. This depends a lot on your field of activity and on what kind of work or commitment you need to develop your personal brand for. Here, too, you may want to seek advice.

A certain knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of the different channels is important to make the right decision. If you present yourself on several channels, the presentation should of course be the same everywhere or be based on the same basis. In this way, you ensure that a uniform image of your personal brand is presented digitally, avoiding misunderstandings and confusion.

Presenting yourself successfully as a forward thinker and doer

What does a successful positioning as a pioneer look like? There are some important rules you should follow when you want to highlight your personal brand. If you don’t have a vision for your life and your professional work yet, find out now. You should also be clear about your abilities and what makes you a visionary or pioneer in your character. Feel free to seek help from other people to do this. This is even highly recommended.

Finally, it is especially important that you remain authentic. If you exaggerate, misrepresent yourself – perhaps to make a greater impression – you won’t really get anywhere. A real forward thinker usually doesn’t need to do that. You will get your positioning because of your special abilities. Provided you work seriously on the development of your personal brand. In this context it is a great opportunity to develop yourself through coaching, further education or personality work to enhance your own potential.

So that you can finally deliver what you promise as a Personal Brand. Because reliability is just as important here as your unique characteristics as a visionary and thought leader. In addition to a changed way of thinking and acting, it is also important to be able to implement your own plans. Discipline and strength are also important here, enabling you to achieve your goals and visions, not just dream about them.

For inner strength it makes sense to have enough trust in your vision – and in yourself. In a coaching or workshop you can find out how you feel about these qualities. And you always have the opportunity to develop yourself in these areas and to work on getting better and better. Because this is another characteristic that makes pioneers. The joy of lifelong learning and personal development. You need more than just professional ambition, because it’s your entire personality that is the basis for your personal brand. If your preliminary work is right here, your positioning on this basis will be self-evident. Just trust in your abilities – but don’t just rely on them.

DR. IRÈNE KILUBI hat als promovierte Wirtschaftsingenieurin und Unternehmensberaterin in ihrer Vita Unternehmen wie BMW, Deloitte, Amazon & Co auf der Liste. Nach vielen Stationen folgt sie jetzt ihrer ganz persönlichen Leidenschaft und ist mit den Themen Community Building, Corporate Influencer und Connecting GenXYZ unterwegs. Darüber hinaus ist sie als Expert Advisor für den European Innovation Council Accelerator der Europäischen Kommission tätig. Dr. Irène Kilubi ist Universitätsdozentin für Digitales Marketing und Entrepreneurship und eine gefragte Referentin auf Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen. Mein Buch »Du bist mehr als eine Zahl. Warum das Alter keine Rolle spielt.« erschien am 29. Februar im Murmann Verlag und kann hier bestellt werden.

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