5 Tips for Better Meeting Leadership – Leading Like Yesterday No Longer Works

What makes for good meeting leadership. 5 tips for open-minded meeting leadership

Haven’t meeting leaders in the familiar purpose become obsolete – be it that teams work largely independently – be it that the employees themselves already know what needs to be done – or even that the team sleepwalks into leading itself?

Meeting management has not thought about because the frequency of communicating across existing departments is increasing and because you have more and more employees cooperating on a project basis. Coordination and agreements and clear information are the foreign exchange of the hour. And clear announcements.

Further Read: Moderating does not mean babbling – leading meetings the right way

These classics still apply

But not autocratic, but transparent and with informational added value. For all project managers and department heads as well as heads of specialist units, it is therefore important to

  • conduct a meeting efficiently
  • to do a good groundwork (!)
  • and to have a clear objective.

But that is only half of the work. The other half involves working on one’s own ability to express oneself. Because it is precisely this requirement that has secretly increased and not become less important. It is true that it is essential to constantly separate valuable content – pardon the pun: content – in order to be able to – Story Telling? – to be able to involve and bind people. But these often resemble phrases and are not always aimed at the person who is being addressed as an employee. In addition to a careful “welcome” in the salutation, such as a good introduction and a good exit with a measurement check on the mood, it is in the midst of the rhetorical performance in the middle part: the meeting.

New challenges are added

But often oral speech is characterized by time pressure, a lack of belief in the importance of what needs to be said, or too little awareness of the relevant content. A good meeting leader feels not only jointly responsible for the results, but also for the culture-shaping power of an appreciative working atmosphere.

In a nutshell, the following 5 points are critical to your leadership coordination performance.

  1. Before you start talking: Take the utmost care in gathering information! Only on the basis of being sure about what you want to have decided or what you want to inform about, your language will be full of content accordingly. Optimal knowledge (related to the concrete case) promotes successful communication and facilitates the leadership roles immensely.
  2. Ensure an appropriate distribution of roles within the instructions. A clear declaration of when the meeting leader is the same and when he or she is the lead facilitates goal-oriented and trust-giving meeting leadership.
  3. Think before you speak. In everyday life, things often happen quickly; for important messages (and important are all those that go to employees), you may lack the care to outline what is at stake. The better you have reflected on whether you have one or more roles, the more likely you are to stand for the overarching added value of the meeting. You will lead it accordingly in a safe, benevolent, and effective manner. Therefore, be economical with your words. Less, but precisely spoken, is worth more.
  4. If you are prone to redundant (repetitive) speech, watch yourself and reduce the redundancy. Often a small pause in speaking does more than nervously continuing to speak at a rapid pace. Deny yourself the impulse to emphasize again with words what you just said. And work on statements you want to stand for. Do you have visual, drawing ideas for this? Go ahead. This complements and does not interfere.
  5. Avoid filler words – If you tend to use filler words (note: often distributed in a gender-typical way) such as “yes,” “yet,” “again,” “always,” be sure to use fewer of them. A small “There he is” as a greeting contains the message of a reproach, carried by the word “yes”: hidden here is a mild reproach of being late. Filler words are made to speak a barely noticeable, but in any case aggressively accusatory language.

Use the power of language in the new world of work to do this

“The present attracts the future – when you call it.”. Name changes for which you are responsible, because a catchy name is half the battle. So don’t call a said reorganisaiton reorganization, but project “fledging” or “Trias – our three organizational principles.To implement all this, create your own vision: we have already arrived in the working world of tomorrow: Care and attentiveness in connection with rules are on the rise. Language thus becomes an actor; if it is federal-appreciative, this counts as team development. If it is blurred and unclear, it borders on hindering work. Cooperative work environments based on collaboration and trust require simple, clear “boss” language that is aware of its responsibilities.  These duties of care apply to leaders.

Dealing with oneself also requires a personal dimension to one’s vocabulary. Self-esteem and successful leadership are closely linked.

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