Modern knowledge transfer – how to motivate employees for lifelong learning

Lifelong learning and employee motivation

How can you motivate your employees for lifelong learning? We answer this question and go into the modern methods of knowledge transfer.

Today we present modern knowledge transfer as motivation for your employees in a continuation of Online Learning & E-Learning – Constant learning anytime and anywhere!

What does knowledge transfer mean for a company?

On the one hand, training and continuing education cost a company resources: time, money and energy. On the other hand, these measures enable employees to work more efficiently. In the best case, the company has a training and development plan and the employees are very motivated to continuously learn something new. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Even the most motivated employees will not learn anything if they are not given the opportunity to do so. Corporate success, however, is built on teaching and learning opportunities for all employees. That’s why every company should not only address the issue of modern knowledge transfer, but also implement, continually adapt and optimize it.

How is knowledge communicated in a modern way?

One thing first: there are many different teaching methods and learning types. This means that knowledge must be imparted as individually as possible using adapted methods and formats.

What knowledge, experience and attitude do the employees have and what do they need to master in the future? Taking stock with the right questions must always be the first step. Every person is individual and needs different help and teaching methodology. The right communication is the magic word to ensure individual success and not to demotivate employees. Explain exactly why something new is to be learned and how that will help shape the future. If there is a common understanding, the learning method can be selected.

Online learning is a way of imparting knowledge at an individual pace, saving costs and time. When face-to-face learning is combined with this form of learning, a hybrid form of learning is created – blended learning (integrated learning). Blended learning focuses on the needs of the employees. This helps to sustainably increase learning success and motivation. The success of YouTube shows: Only when content inspires, it has a long-lasting effect. Caution: A learning platform on which content is provided must function well and be even better received. Only then will it bring lasting learning pleasure. Interactive explanatory films, instructional videos or learning series can be flexibly integrated into everyday work and remain in the memory. If this content is also covered and discussed in classroom training, the final complexity is taken away and any questions are resolved. It is not for nothing that quiz and quiz shows are so popular. They encourage people to think and guess along. This principle is also applied to “playful learning” in the company. For example, by learning with a quiz or puzzle competition. This motivates employees to compete against each other in an exciting competition. And the beauty of it is that there are no losers in the knowledge transfer, only winners. Because in the end, everyone learned something and even had fun doing it. This form of knowledge transfer has become increasingly popular in recent years.

How do you convince employees of the value of modern knowledge transfer?

Open communication is the decisive prerequisite when it comes to initiating change processes in the company. Digital transformation always requires existing business models to be adapted and further developed. These change processes force all people to acquire new knowledge. Regardless of whether they are private or professional – and throughout their lives. Therefore, involve all stakeholders – especially colleagues who are directly affected by changes – in your project. Discuss how the company can best benefit from modern knowledge transfer. Find colleagues who are always interested in new “gadgets”, tools and approaches, who enjoy “playful learning”. Give them the opportunity to be the first to experiment with the tool or method. The enthusiasm of these tech nerds can then also encourage skeptical colleagues to try something new.

As a rule, we are all creatures of habit and are very reluctant to get out of our comfort zone. We need a more than good reason and convincing arguments if we are to change. Convince with added value. Show your employees that the new knowledge or the new tool supports them in their daily work, that it can be used meaningfully for their own success. But don’t forget the time aspect. Give even the somewhat hesitant employees time to get to grips with the material and get used to it. Make sure that they can learn the new things in peace. Compromise and accept your employees’ suggestions for improvement. If they see that the solution is not set in stone and predetermined, but can be adapted as needed, they will be much more willing to deal with it.


Modern knowledge transfer must be well planned and communicated. This creates trust and openness to anything new. It pays to structure and organize training and development well. As a result, you can expect better processes in the company and more satisfied employees who also identify more with their company. See it as your task to give your employees everything they need to move your company forward together. With modern knowledge transfer, you can support your employees in successfully integrating the new knowledge into their daily work and in on-the-job training.

Author: Inga Schmidt

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