7 tips for the perfect domain name

Tips and tricks for finding the right domain name for your small business

Domains have become one of the most important topics for an online presence. But how do you find the right domain names?

In today’s digital world, a strong online presence is essential for a company’s success. The website serves as the first point of contact for potential customers. Especially for smaller companies, choosing the right domain name is crucial, as the domain is the central element of the online presence and often the first point of contact for customers. It conveys first impressions and is part of the digital identity. The name should therefore fit the company, be easy to find and memorable. Finding a suitable domain can be tricky. Here you will find helpful tips on how to find the perfect name for your domain.

How AI can help you choose a domain name

Artificial intelligence is now on the rise in all areas of our everyday lives and helps us to optimize work processes. This not only applies to the large companies and corporations on the market, but the targeted use of AI can bring great benefits for smaller companies in particular. Recent surveys have shown that seven out of ten (71%) founders and small business owners in the DACH region believe that the use of AI technologies will drive the growth of their company. AI tools not only offer the opportunity to help them create visual or editorial content for their website, but can also help them find the perfect domain name. Various software platforms, such as GoDaddy Studio, use AI to help generate personalized suggestions for possible domain names based on the input of keywords or a short business description.

7 tips for choosing a suitable domain name

Whether you choose a domain name with the help of artificial intelligence or not, you should make sure that you choose a name that suits your company. To help you improve your online presence and strengthen your brand identity with a strong domain, here are 7 tips to help you choose a suitable domain name.

1. Keep it simple

The first rule of choosing a domain name is to keep it simple. When choosing your domain name, make sure it is spelled simply. The simpler the domain, the easier it is to remember and find by customers. If your domain name has an unusual spelling or contains complicated words, there is a risk that others will misspell your domain name and not find you on the Internet.

2. Brevity is the spice of life

If the domain is too long, there is a risk that customers will mistype it or not find your website. A short and concise domain makes it easier for your customers to type in, pronounce and therefore potentially pass on your domain. By choosing your domain, you can therefore influence how users perceive their visit to your website and make their user experience as pleasant as possible. As a guideline for the length of a domain, it is recommended to use six to fourteen characters to the right of the dot.

3. Relevant keywords

Include keywords in your domain name that describe your company and the products or services you offer. Try to include keywords that online users might enter when searching for your product or service on the internet. This can have a positive effect on your search engine ranking and thus increase your online visibility.

4. Refrain from using numbers and hyphens

Numbers and hyphens often lead to misunderstandings and typos. When people hear about your domain, they may not immediately know whether to enter a number as a digit or a word. Similarly, customers might forget a hyphen or put it in the wrong place and enter your URL incorrectly. Either way, the result is the same: potential customers are misdirected because they can’t find your website. Therefore, choose a fluent, easy-to-understand name.

5. Memorability is the key

In the digital age, you are competing with numerous companies who all want to position themselves in the market with a strong online presence. To stand out from the competition, a creative and memorable domain name is therefore of great importance. After all, a memorable, individual domain name promotes word-of-mouth advertising and helps your brand to spread more quickly and remain in the minds of customers. If you can’t reduce your domain name to one memorable word, consider combining two strong words. If in doubt, test your favorites with friends or family.

6. Choose the right ending

Although the internet is not a new invention, even after several decades there is still a strong tendency to choose a .com domain extension. So if you can, you should try to register a .com domain address. However, if the .com domain name you want is not available or you prefer a different extension, there are numerous other options for a possible domain extension, such as .co, .net, .org, .life, .online and .news. In addition, there are also extensions that are tailored to the type of business or can better reflect your industry or target group, such as .photography, .store, .club or .accountant. Choose the extension for your company that you think best suits your brand.

7. Safety first: Protect your brand

To protect your brand, you should consider registering your domain name with alternative spellings (misspellings or different domain extensions). As an insider tip, you can also redirect these to your main website. This will ensure that your customers always land on your website, even if they make a typo. Otherwise, there is a risk that the competition will use different spellings of your domain to draw visitors away from your website. Once you have found the perfect domain name for your company, you should also make sure that the name is not trademarked or copyrighted by another company. This will help you avoid problems and legal disputes later on.

Alexandra Anderson ist Marketing Director Germany bei GoDaddy und seit mehr als zehn Jahren als Marketingexpertin in der IT-Branche tätig. Seit sechs Jahren kümmert sie sich speziell um den Anbieter GoDaddy in Deutschland, mit besonderem Fokus auf digitales Marketing. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist ihr die Digitalisierung von Mikro- und Kleinunternehmer:innen.

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